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Max Delsohn is a writer who grew up in Thousand Oaks, CA and spent ten years in Seattle, WA. Their debut short story collection, Crawl, will be published by Graywolf Press in fall 2025. Their work appears in or is forthcoming from McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern, The Rumpus, VICE, Joyland, and the Graywolf Press essay anthology Critical Hits: Writers Playing Video Games, edited by Carmen Maria Machado and J. Robert Lennon. They've received fellowships and residencies from the Constance Saltonstall Foundation for The Arts, Hugo House and the Mineral School. They are currently an MFA candidate in fiction at Syracuse University. They also used to work as a stand-up comedian, and were featured at 10,000 Laughs, Second City’s Break Out Comedy Festival, 208 Comedy Festival, Out of Bounds Comedy Festival, and Intersections Festival.